Change Management

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Litha-Lethu’s premise is that managing any change initiative (be it restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, new technology, downsizing), is not an isolated exercise.  Rather it is a complex business which requires clear leadership, a systematic rigorous approach, and an “end to end” change management plan which endures long after the “go-live” team have departed.

Employee participation and buy-in is crucial to ensure that the necessary change occurs with minimal disruption and that it yields positive, sustainable results.

All interventions and change management projects managed by Litha-Lethu are characterised by the following:

A thorough and careful organisational assessment of the business including: strategy, culture, management style, leadership competency, external market conditions, competitor activity and internal procedures, processes and systems;

An integrated change management project plan to plot the way forward and outline the deliverables required;

A communication, consultation, feedback and information sharing plan that prepares, targets, engages, enables and mobilises each sector of the stakeholder community from the project team to shareholders, suppliers, customers, unions, executives, management and employees;

Sustainable skills transfer;

Performance-based, enduring and measurable improvement

change management