Testimonials from one company or enterprise about another form part of the cornerstone of engagement in today’s business environment. Litha-Lethu Management Solutions is proud to receive positive referrals on an ongoing basis. Some of these are shown here.
“Litha-Lethu put significant effort into understanding the operations of the UIF, it’s challenges and people…”
Litha-Lethu exhibited were able to deliver on the project with agility within the limitations of the Covid-19 lockdown, using a series on online engagements to deliver the work and maintain project momentum.
Litha-Lethu proved its resilience and agility with the advent of the COVID-19 lockdown, completing the deliverables in innovative and sustainable ways, using a series on online engagements to maintain the momentum.
Litha-Lethu deploys sound project management principles, adult methodologies, and communication strategies…
“We have a good working relationship with the Litha-Lethu Consultants, they are always friendly and professional and have efficient turnaround times regarding delivery. “
“Litha-Lethu also designed a communications plan for the duration of the project, to provide regular feedback for information and reinforcement. This was…”
“Their delivery was of a strategic and operational nature, and met with our high standards and time frame anticipated.”
“Associates of the service provider have conducted themselves in a highly professional manner and respond promptly to requests”
Feel free to submit your testimonials about Litha-Letha for publication here.